Osinbajo news

Here are some recent news updates about Professor Yemi Osinbajo, the Vice President of Nigeria:

Latest News

  1. Osinbajo to Launch National MSMEs Clinics: The Vice President has announced plans to launch the National Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Clinics, aimed at providing support to small businesses in Nigeria. (Source: Vanguard)
  2. Osinbajo Meets with UK's Prince Charles: The Vice President met with Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, at the State House in Abuja, discussing issues such as climate change, economic development, and education. (Source: Premium Times)
  3. Osinbajo Inaugurates NDDC Board: The Vice President inaugurated the new Board of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), with a charge to the members to work towards the development of the region. (Source: This Day)
  4. Osinbajo Advocates for Improved Healthcare: The Vice President emphasized the need for improved healthcare infrastructure and services in Nigeria, during a visit to the University of Lagos Teaching Hospital. (Source: The Guardian)

Recent Quotes

  1. On the Economy: "We are working hard to ensure that our economy is diversified and that we are not too dependent on oil." (Source: Punch)
  2. On Corruption: "Corruption is a major obstacle to our development, and we must all work together to eradicate it." (Source: Leadership)
  3. On Education: "Education is key to our development, and we must invest more in it to ensure that our children are well-equipped for the future." (Source: Daily Trust)

Recent Events

  1. Osinbajo Attends ECOWAS Summit: The Vice President attended the 57th Ordinary Session of the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government in Abuja, where he discussed regional issues such as security and economic integration. (Source: The Nation)
  2. Osinbajo Visits Flood-Affected Areas: The Vice President visited flood-affected areas in Lagos and Ogun states, assessing the damage and promising support to affected communities. (Source: Punch)

Please note that these news updates are subject to change and may not be comprehensive.