Orange is the new black season 7 review


Orange is the New Black (OITNB) Season 7 is the final season of the popular Netflix series, and it's a fitting conclusion to the story of the women of Litchfield Penitentiary. Here's a review of the season:

The Good

  1. Emotional Closure: The season provides a sense of closure for the characters, tying up loose ends and giving fans a sense of resolution. The finale is particularly emotional, with many characters getting the sendoff they deserve.
  2. Strong Character Development: The season focuses on the characters' personal growth, exploring their backstories and relationships. The character development is strong, making it easy to become invested in their journeys.
  3. Social Commentary: OITNB has always been known for its thought-provoking commentary on social issues, and Season 7 is no exception. The season tackles topics like immigration, racism, and the prison system, offering a nuanced perspective on these complex issues.
  4. Comedic Moments: Despite the heavy themes, the season still finds time for humor, with many comedic moments that will leave you laughing.

The Not-So-Good

  1. Pacing Issues: The season can feel a bit slow at times, with some episodes feeling like they're dragging on. The pacing issues might be due to the show's attempt to cram in as many character arcs as possible.
  2. Some Characters Get Shortchanged: With so many characters to wrap up, some inevitably get less screen time than others. Fans of certain characters might feel like they're not given the closure they deserve.
  3. The Prison Plot: The prison plot, which has been a central part of the show, feels a bit resolved too quickly. The season's climax, while emotional, might feel a bit rushed.

The Verdict

Orange is the New Black Season 7 is a satisfying conclusion to the series. While it's not perfect, the season's strong character development, emotional closure, and thought-provoking commentary make it a must-watch for fans. The finale, in particular, is a masterclass in storytelling, providing a fitting end to the characters' journeys.

Rating: 8.5/10

Recommendation: If you're a fan of the series, you'll want to watch Season 7 to see how the characters' stories conclude. Even if you're not a die-hard fan, the season's exploration of social issues and strong character development make it worth watching.