Orange is the new black season 7 episode 9

A fan of Orange is the New Black!

Season 7, Episode 9 of Orange is the New Black is titled "The Hidey Hole". Here's a brief summary:

The episode focuses on the aftermath of the riot and the consequences faced by the inmates. Taystee is on trial for the murder of Poussey, and the episode explores the emotional toll it takes on her and the other characters. Meanwhile, Dayanara Diaz (Prison Officer) is struggling to come to terms with her own actions during the riot, and the episode delves into her backstory.

The episode also sees the introduction of a new character, a former inmate who has been released from prison and is now working as a counselor at Litchfield. Her presence sparks a mix of emotions among the inmates, particularly among those who are still struggling to adjust to life outside of prison.

Overall, "The Hidey Hole" is a powerful and emotional episode that explores the complexities of the characters and the consequences of their actions.