Orange is the new black season 1 episode 12

A great choice!

Here's a summary of Orange is the New Black Season 1, Episode 12, titled "The Chickening":

The episode focuses on the aftermath of the prison riot, which was sparked by the death of Poussey Washington. The inmates are still reeling from the violence, and tensions are running high.

Meanwhile, Piper Chapman (Taylor Schilling) is struggling to come to terms with her own role in the riot and the harm it caused. She tries to make amends with the other inmates, but it's clear that forgiveness won't be easy.

Lorna Morello (Yael Stone) is dealing with the aftermath of her own actions during the riot, and her relationship with Nicky Nichols (Natasha Lyonne) is put to the test.

The episode also explores the backstory of Sophia Burset (Laverne Cox), who is struggling to cope with the trauma of her past. We see flashbacks of her life before prison, including her experiences as a trans woman and her relationships with her loved ones.

Throughout the episode, the characters are forced to confront the consequences of their actions and the harsh realities of life in Litchfield Prison. The episode ends on a cliffhanger, setting the stage for the rest of the season.

Overall, "The Chickening" is a powerful and emotional episode that delves deeper into the characters and their motivations. It's a great example of the show's ability to balance humor and drama, and it sets the stage for the rest of the series.