Optometrist job in new zealand

Here's an overview of the optometrist job market in New Zealand:

Job Description:

Optometrists in New Zealand are primary healthcare professionals who examine, diagnose, and treat eye disorders and diseases. They work in private practices, hospitals, and community clinics, providing a range of services including:

Job Requirements:

To work as an optometrist in New Zealand, you typically need:

Job Opportunities:

Optometrists are in demand in New Zealand, particularly in urban areas such as Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch. You can find job opportunities in:


The salary for optometrists in New Zealand varies depending on factors such as location, experience, and type of employer. According to the New Zealand Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians Board, the average annual salary for optometrists in New Zealand is around NZD $80,000 to NZD $120,000.

Registration and Licensing:

To practice as an optometrist in New Zealand, you need to register with the NZOD and obtain a practicing certificate. The registration process typically involves:

Tips for International Optometrists:

If you're an international optometrist looking to work in New Zealand, here are some tips:

I hope this information helps!