Opponent of dutertes drugs war arrested in philippines on drug charges

You're referring to the arrest of Leila de Lima, a former Philippine Senator and a vocal critic of President Rodrigo Duterte's war on drugs. Here's a summary of the situation:

Leila de Lima was arrested on February 24, 2017, on charges of drug trafficking and conspiracy. She was accused of accepting bribes from drug lords while she was the Chairperson of the Senate Committee on Justice and Human Rights.

De Lima, a member of the Liberal Party, was a strong critic of Duterte's war on drugs, which has been criticized for its alleged human rights violations and extrajudicial killings. She had also investigated allegations of extrajudicial killings and human rights abuses committed by the Philippine National Police (PNP) during the war on drugs.

The charges against de Lima were filed by the Department of Justice (DOJ) in 2016, shortly after she began investigating the PNP's anti-drug operations. The DOJ accused her of receiving bribes from drug lords in exchange for protection and favors.

De Lima denied the charges, calling them a "fabrication" and a "politically motivated" attempt to silence her. Her lawyers argued that the evidence against her was weak and that the prosecution's witnesses were unreliable.

The case against de Lima was widely criticized by human rights groups and opposition politicians, who saw it as a political vendetta against a vocal critic of the Duterte administration. The arrest and detention of de Lima were also seen as a blow to the country's democratic institutions and the rule of law.

In 2018, the Philippine Supreme Court dismissed the charges against de Lima, citing lack of evidence and procedural irregularities. However, the case was later re-filed, and de Lima remains under detention pending trial.

De Lima's arrest and detention have been widely condemned by human rights groups and international organizations, including the United Nations and the European Union. The case has also been criticized by many foreign governments and human rights organizations, who have called for her release and an end to the political persecution of critics of the Duterte administration.