Opinion how will buhari and atiku debate corruption

The upcoming presidential debate between President Muhammadu Buhari and Atiku Abubakar is expected to be a crucial moment in the 2019 Nigerian elections. One of the key issues that is likely to be discussed is corruption, which has been a major concern in Nigeria for many years. Here's my opinion on how the debate might play out:

President Buhari's approach:

As a former military head of state who has been accused of human rights abuses and corruption, Buhari's approach to the debate on corruption might be defensive and focused on his administration's achievements in the area. He might argue that his government has made significant progress in tackling corruption, citing the establishment of the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) and the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) as evidence of his commitment to fighting corruption.

Buhari might also highlight his administration's efforts to recover stolen assets and prosecute corrupt officials, including the recovery of looted funds and the prosecution of high-profile cases such as the trial of former National Security Adviser, Sambo Dasuki. He might also emphasize his government's efforts to strengthen institutions and improve governance, such as the passage of the Whistleblower Protection Act and the establishment of the Presidential Advisory Committee Against Corruption (PACAC).

Atiku Abubakar's approach:

As a former Vice President who has been accused of corruption and has been linked to several corruption scandals, Atiku's approach to the debate on corruption might be more nuanced and focused on his plans to tackle corruption if elected. He might argue that his administration would prioritize the strengthening of institutions and the rule of law, including the independence of the judiciary and the legislature, to ensure that corruption is effectively tackled.

Atiku might also emphasize his plans to promote transparency and accountability in government, including the establishment of a transparent and accountable system of governance, the promotion of open data and open government, and the strengthening of anti-corruption agencies. He might also highlight his plans to address the root causes of corruption, such as poverty and inequality, by promoting economic development and social justice.

Key points to watch:

  1. Deflecting allegations: Both candidates are likely to deflect allegations of corruption against them, with Buhari focusing on his administration's achievements and Atiku emphasizing his plans to tackle corruption.
  2. Institutional strengthening: Both candidates will likely emphasize the importance of strengthening institutions and the rule of law to tackle corruption, but Atiku might be more specific about his plans to achieve this.
  3. Transparency and accountability: Atiku might emphasize his plans to promote transparency and accountability in government, while Buhari might focus on his administration's efforts to recover stolen assets and prosecute corrupt officials.
  4. Root causes of corruption: Atiku might highlight the root causes of corruption, such as poverty and inequality, and emphasize the need to address these issues to tackle corruption, while Buhari might focus on the need to strengthen institutions and the rule of law.

Overall, the debate on corruption is likely to be a key moment in the presidential debate, with both candidates trying to outdo each other in their commitment to tackling corruption. However, it remains to be seen whether the debate will be focused on substance or simply a series of attacks and counter-attacks.