Opera news video

Here are some popular opera news videos:

  1. The Metropolitan Opera (Met Opera) on YouTube: The Met Opera is one of the most renowned opera companies in the world, and their YouTube channel features a wide range of opera news, interviews, and performances.
  2. Opera News Magazine on YouTube: Opera News is a leading publication in the opera world, and their YouTube channel features video interviews, reviews, and news about the latest opera productions and events.
  3. Deutsche Oper Berlin on YouTube: The Deutsche Oper Berlin is a major opera company in Germany, and their YouTube channel features a variety of opera news, interviews, and performances.
  4. La Scala Opera on YouTube: La Scala is one of the most famous opera houses in the world, and their YouTube channel features a range of opera news, interviews, and performances.
  5. Operavision on YouTube: Operavision is a YouTube channel that features opera news, reviews, and interviews with opera singers, conductors, and directors.
  6. The Opera Critic on YouTube: The Opera Critic is a YouTube channel that features opera news, reviews, and interviews with opera singers, conductors, and directors.
  7. OperaWire on YouTube: OperaWire is a YouTube channel that features opera news, reviews, and interviews with opera singers, conductors, and directors.
  8. The Classical Music Agency on YouTube: The Classical Music Agency is a UK-based agency that represents many of the world's leading opera singers, and their YouTube channel features a range of opera news, interviews, and performances.

Some popular opera news videos include:

I hope you find these videos interesting and informative!