Opera mini news kenya

Here are some recent news and updates about Opera Mini in Kenya:

Opera Mini's Popularity in Kenya

Opera Mini is one of the most popular mobile browsers in Kenya, with over 50% market share in the country. According to a report by Hootsuite, Opera Mini is the most widely used mobile browser in Kenya, followed by Google Chrome and UC Browser.

Opera Mini's Data-Saving Features

Opera Mini is known for its data-saving features, which make it a popular choice among Kenyans who have limited mobile data plans. The browser compresses web pages, reduces image sizes, and uses Opera's proprietary compression technology to reduce data usage. This makes it an attractive option for users who want to stay online without breaking the bank.

Opera Mini's Offline Reading Feature

Opera Mini recently introduced an offline reading feature, which allows users to download articles and read them offline. This feature is particularly useful in Kenya, where internet connectivity can be unreliable. The feature is available on Opera Mini's Android and iOS apps.

Opera Mini's Partnership with Safaricom

In 2020, Opera Mini partnered with Safaricom, Kenya's largest mobile network operator, to offer a range of data plans and promotions to its customers. The partnership aimed to provide Safaricom customers with affordable and convenient access to the internet.

Opera Mini's Competition in Kenya

Opera Mini faces competition from other popular mobile browsers in Kenya, including Google Chrome, UC Browser, and Firefox. However, Opera Mini's data-saving features and offline reading capabilities have helped it maintain its market share in the country.

Opera Mini's Future Plans in Kenya

Opera Mini has announced plans to continue investing in its data-saving technology and offline reading features. The company is also exploring new ways to make the internet more accessible and affordable for users in Kenya, including partnerships with local mobile operators and content providers.

Overall, Opera Mini remains a popular and widely used mobile browser in Kenya, thanks to its data-saving features, offline reading capabilities, and partnerships with local mobile operators.