Opening power supply breaker at certain kwh

You're looking to implement a feature that automatically trips the power supply breaker when a certain amount of energy (measured in kWh) is consumed. This is often referred to as a "kWh meter" or "energy meter" functionality.

To achieve this, you'll need to integrate the following components:

  1. Energy meter: This is a device that measures the energy consumption in kWh. You can use a dedicated energy meter or a smart plug with energy monitoring capabilities.
  2. Breaker control: This is the component that controls the power supply breaker. It can be a dedicated breaker control module or a smart plug with breaker control capabilities.
  3. Controller: This is the brain of the system that receives data from the energy meter, calculates the energy consumption, and sends a signal to the breaker control to trip the breaker when the threshold is reached.

Here's a high-level overview of the process:

  1. The energy meter measures the energy consumption in kWh and sends the data to the controller.
  2. The controller receives the data and calculates the total energy consumption.
  3. When the total energy consumption reaches the set threshold (e.g., 100 kWh), the controller sends a signal to the breaker control to trip the breaker.
  4. The breaker control receives the signal and trips the power supply breaker, disconnecting the power supply.

Some popular options for implementing this feature include:

  1. Smart plugs: Devices like the Belkin WeMo Insight or the TP-Link Smart Plug can monitor energy consumption and control the breaker.
  2. Energy meters: Devices like the Kill A Watt or the Fluke 434 Power Quality Analyzer can measure energy consumption and send data to a controller.
  3. Breaker control modules: Devices like the Lutron Maestro or the Leviton Decora Smart can control the breaker and receive signals from a controller.

When selecting components, consider the following factors:

  1. Accuracy: Ensure the energy meter and breaker control module are accurate and reliable.
  2. Compatibility: Verify that the components are compatible with each other and your specific power supply setup.
  3. Power rating: Choose components that can handle the maximum power rating of your power supply.
  4. Communication protocol: Select components that use a compatible communication protocol (e.g., Wi-Fi, Zigbee, or RS-485).

Please note that implementing this feature may require professional installation and configuration, especially if you're not familiar with electrical systems or automation technologies. It's recommended to consult with a licensed electrician or automation expert to ensure a safe and reliable implementation.