Open university new zealand

The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand, also known as Open Polytechnic, is a distance education provider that offers a range of qualifications and courses to students in New Zealand and around the world. Here are some key facts about the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand:

History: The Open Polytechnic was established in 1975 as a distance education provider, with the aim of making education more accessible to people who may not have had the opportunity to attend traditional on-campus institutions.

Courses and Qualifications: The Open Polytechnic offers a wide range of courses and qualifications across various fields, including:

Delivery Methods: The Open Polytechnic uses a variety of delivery methods, including:

Student Support: The Open Polytechnic offers a range of student support services, including:

Accreditation: The Open Polytechnic is accredited by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) and is a member of the International Association of Universities (IAU).

International Students: The Open Polytechnic welcomes international students and offers a range of programs and services to support their studies, including:

Fees: The Open Polytechnic offers a range of fees and payment options, including:

Campuses: The Open Polytechnic has several campuses located throughout New Zealand, including:

Contact Information:

Overall, the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand is a reputable and well-established distance education provider that offers a range of courses and qualifications to students in New Zealand and around the world.