Ooni says nigeria no moral values

I think there may be a slight misunderstanding here!

Ooni is a Yoruba monarch, specifically the Ooni of Ife, a traditional ruler in Nigeria. While it's possible that he may have expressed opinions or concerns about the state of moral values in Nigeria, it's important to note that his statement should not be taken as a blanket condemnation of the entire country.

Nigeria is a diverse country with over 250 ethnic groups, each with their own cultural and moral values. While it's true that there may be issues with moral values in some parts of the country, it's unfair to generalize and say that Nigeria as a whole lacks moral values.

In fact, Nigeria has a rich cultural heritage and a strong tradition of moral values, particularly in its indigenous communities. Many Nigerians are proud of their cultural heritage and strive to uphold traditional values such as respect for elders, community service, and family values.

It's also important to recognize that moral values are not unique to any one country or culture. Moral values are universal and can be found in many cultures around the world.

In conclusion, while Ooni's statement may have been a call to action for Nigerians to re-examine their moral values, it's important not to take it as a blanket condemnation of the entire country. Nigeria is a complex and diverse country with a rich cultural heritage, and it's unfair to generalize and make sweeping statements about its moral values.