Onnoghen latest news

You're referring to the former Chief Justice of Nigeria, Walter Onnoghen!

Here are some of the latest news updates on his case:

Recent Developments:

  1. Appeal Court Upholds Conviction: On February 28, 2023, the Court of Appeal in Abuja upheld the conviction of Walter Onnoghen by the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) in 2019. The tribunal had found him guilty of non-declaration of assets and sentenced him to a fine of N5 million.
  2. Onnoghen's Lawyers Seek Review: On March 1, 2023, Onnoghen's lawyers filed an application at the Supreme Court seeking a review of the Court of Appeal's decision. They argued that the appeal court erred in upholding the conviction.
  3. Onnoghen's Health Concerns: In recent months, there have been reports of Onnoghen's poor health, which has led to concerns about his well-being. His lawyers have sought to have him released from custody on health grounds, but the court has so far refused.


Walter Onnoghen was the Chief Justice of Nigeria from November 2016 to January 2019. In January 2019, he was suspended by President Muhammadu Buhari over allegations of non-declaration of assets. The Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) subsequently tried him and found him guilty of the charges. Onnoghen was sentenced to a fine of N5 million and banned from holding public office for 10 years.


The controversy surrounding Onnoghen's case has sparked heated debates in Nigeria, with many arguing that his suspension and trial were politically motivated. Some have also raised concerns about the independence of the judiciary in Nigeria.

I hope this update helps!