Online news aggregator

An online news aggregator is a website or application that collects and displays news articles from various sources, often categorized by topic, location, or date. Here are some popular online news aggregators:

  1. Google News: A free news aggregator that collects news articles from thousands of sources and allows users to customize their news feed by topic, location, and more.
  2. Apple News: A news aggregator app for iOS devices that collects news articles from various sources and allows users to customize their news feed by topic, location, and more.
  3. News360: A personalized news aggregator that uses AI to curate news articles based on users' interests and preferences.
  4. Flipboard: A digital magazine that aggregates news articles from various sources and allows users to customize their feed by topic, location, and more.
  5. Feedly: A news aggregator that allows users to subscribe to their favorite news sources and customize their feed by topic, location, and more.
  6. Alltop: A news aggregator that collects news articles from various sources and allows users to customize their feed by topic, location, and more.
  7. NewsBlur: A news aggregator that allows users to subscribe to their favorite news sources and customize their feed by topic, location, and more.
  8. The Skimm: A news aggregator that provides a daily newsletter and app that summarizes news articles from various sources.
  9. Quora News: A news aggregator that collects news articles from various sources and allows users to customize their feed by topic, location, and more.
  10. Inoreader: A news aggregator that allows users to subscribe to their favorite news sources and customize their feed by topic, location, and more.

These online news aggregators can help you stay up-to-date with the latest news and trends from around the world, and often provide features such as:

By using an online news aggregator, you can streamline your news consumption and stay informed about the topics that matter most to you.