Onelife eu news

Onelife EU is a European subsidiary of Onelife, a global wellness and lifestyle company founded by Tony Robbins. Here are some recent news and updates from Onelife EU:

Recent News:

  1. New Onelife EU Headquarters: Onelife EU has announced the opening of its new headquarters in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The new office will serve as the hub for the company's European operations and will provide a central location for its team to work together and support its growing customer base.
  2. Wellness and Self-Care Programs: Onelife EU has launched a range of wellness and self-care programs designed to help individuals achieve their health and wellness goals. These programs include nutrition and fitness coaching, stress management, and mindfulness training.
  3. Tony Robbins Live Events: Onelife EU has announced a series of live events featuring Tony Robbins, including seminars, workshops, and masterclasses. These events will take place in various locations across Europe and will focus on topics such as personal growth, leadership, and entrepreneurship.
  4. Partnership with European Wellness Brands: Onelife EU has partnered with several European wellness brands to offer exclusive discounts and promotions to its customers. These partners include fitness studios, yoga centers, and wellness retreats.
  5. Expansion into New Markets: Onelife EU is expanding its operations into new markets across Europe, including the UK, Germany, and France. The company is hiring new team members and establishing partnerships with local businesses to support its growth.

Upcoming Events:

  1. Tony Robbins Live in Amsterdam: Onelife EU is hosting a live event featuring Tony Robbins in Amsterdam on March 12-13, 2023. The event will focus on personal growth, leadership, and entrepreneurship.
  2. Wellness and Self-Care Retreat: Onelife EU is hosting a wellness and self-care retreat in the French Alps on April 15-17, 2023. The retreat will feature yoga, meditation, and other wellness activities.
  3. Fitness and Nutrition Coaching: Onelife EU is offering a series of fitness and nutrition coaching sessions in London on April 22-24, 2023. The sessions will be led by certified coaches and will focus on personalized fitness and nutrition plans.


  1. "Onelife EU has helped me achieve my fitness goals and improve my overall well-being. The team is knowledgeable and supportive, and I feel confident in my ability to make healthy choices." - Sarah, UK
  2. "I was skeptical at first, but the Onelife EU programs have really helped me manage my stress and anxiety. The mindfulness training has been particularly helpful." - Mark, Germany
  3. "I've been working with Onelife EU for several months, and I've seen significant improvements in my physical and mental health. The team is always available to answer my questions and provide guidance." - Emma, France

I hope this information is helpful!