Ondo pdp says jimoh ibrahim not member

It seems like there's a controversy brewing!

According to reports, the Ondo State chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has denied that Jimoh Ibrahim, a businessman and politician, is a member of the party.

Jimoh Ibrahim had earlier claimed to be a member of the PDP and had even obtained a nomination form to contest the Ondo State governorship election on the party's platform.

However, the Ondo State PDP has now issued a statement saying that Ibrahim is not a member of the party and that his claim is false.

The party's statement was signed by its Publicity Secretary, Kennedy Peretei, who said that Ibrahim's membership status was being verified and that the party would take necessary action if he is found to be lying.

This development comes as a surprise to many, as Jimoh Ibrahim had been making moves to contest the Ondo State governorship election on the PDP platform. It remains to be seen how this controversy will play out and what implications it may have for Ibrahim's political ambitions.