Onboarding process for new board members

An onboarding process for new board members is essential to ensure a smooth transition, effective contribution, and a positive experience. Here's a comprehensive onboarding process you can follow:

Pre-Board Meeting (Before the First Board Meeting)

  1. Welcome Package: Send a welcome package to the new board member, including:
    • A brief introduction to the organization, its mission, and values.
    • A copy of the organization's bylaws, articles of incorporation, and any relevant policies.
    • A list of existing board members, their roles, and contact information.
    • A calendar of upcoming board meetings and key deadlines.
  2. Background Information: Provide the new board member with background information on the organization, including:
    • A brief history of the organization.
    • Current programs, services, and initiatives.
    • Financial information, including budget and financial reports.
  3. Board Orientation: Schedule a phone or video call with the board chair or a designated board member to:
    • Introduce the new board member to the organization and its leadership.
    • Discuss the board's role, responsibilities, and expectations.
    • Answer any questions the new board member may have.

First Board Meeting

  1. Welcome and Introduction: The board chair or a designated board member should welcome the new board member and introduce them to the other board members.
  2. Board Meeting Agenda: Ensure the new board member receives the meeting agenda in advance, including any relevant materials or documents.
  3. Board Meeting Participation: Encourage the new board member to participate in the meeting, ask questions, and engage in discussions.

Post-Board Meeting (After the First Board Meeting)

  1. Follow-up: Send a follow-up email or letter to the new board member, thanking them for their participation and:
    • Summarizing the key discussions and decisions made during the meeting.
    • Providing any additional information or resources requested during the meeting.
  2. Ongoing Support: Designate a board member or staff person to serve as a mentor or point of contact for the new board member, providing ongoing support and guidance as needed.

Additional Tips

  1. Clear Communication: Ensure clear and timely communication throughout the onboarding process.
  2. Set Expectations: Clearly communicate the board's expectations, roles, and responsibilities to the new board member.
  3. Provide Training: Consider providing training or orientation on board governance, financial management, and other relevant topics.
  4. Encourage Feedback: Encourage the new board member to provide feedback on the onboarding process and suggest improvements.
  5. Monitor Progress: Monitor the new board member's progress and provide ongoing support and guidance as needed.

By following this onboarding process, you can ensure a smooth transition for new board members, help them become effective contributors, and foster a positive experience.