Old swift vs new swift

A great topic!

Swift is a programming language developed by Apple, and it has undergone significant changes and improvements over the years. Here's a brief overview of the main differences between Old Swift (Swift 1-2) and New Swift (Swift 3-5):

Old Swift (Swift 1-2)

New Swift (Swift 3-5)

Key differences between Old Swift and New Swift:

  1. Syntax changes: New Swift introduced changes to the syntax, such as the removal of implicit self and the introduction of the @ symbol for property wrappers.
  2. Standard library: The new standard library replaced the old Foundation framework, which means that many classes and functions were renamed or reorganized.
  3. Error handling: New Swift introduced a new error handling system, which is more robust and flexible than the old one.
  4. Type safety: New Swift improved type safety by introducing more advanced type checking and inference.
  5. Concurrency: New Swift introduced a new concurrency model, which makes it easier to write asynchronous code.
  6. Performance: New Swift improved performance by optimizing the compiler and runtime.
  7. Compatibility: New Swift is designed to be more compatible with existing code, but some changes may require updates to older code.

In summary, while Old Swift was a groundbreaking language that introduced a new way of programming, New Swift has built upon those foundations to create a more robust, efficient, and modern language. If you're new to Swift, it's recommended to start with New Swift (Swift 3-5), as it's the most widely used and supported version.