Old covenant vs new covenant pdf

Here is a PDF on the Old Covenant vs New Covenant:

The Old Covenant vs The New Covenant


The Old Covenant and the New Covenant are two distinct covenants that God made with His people. The Old Covenant was established with the Israelites through Moses, while the New Covenant was established through Jesus Christ. Understanding the differences between these two covenants is crucial for grasping the significance of salvation and the nature of God's relationship with humanity.

The Old Covenant

The Old Covenant was established with the Israelites in the book of Exodus (Exodus 19-24). This covenant was based on the law, which was given to Moses on Mount Sinai. The law was a set of rules and regulations that the Israelites were expected to follow in order to be in right relationship with God.

Key Features of the Old Covenant

The New Covenant

The New Covenant was established through Jesus Christ, as prophesied in the Old Testament (Jeremiah 31:31-34, Hebrews 8:6-13). This covenant is based on the promise of God's grace and forgiveness, rather than human obedience to the law.

Key Features of the New Covenant

Comparison of the Old and New Covenants

Old Covenant New Covenant
Basis Law Promise of God's grace and forgiveness
Salvation Through Levitical priesthood and temple sacrifices Through faith in Jesus Christ
Forgiveness Not provided Provided through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ
Focus External behavior and rituals Heart and inner life
Written On tablets of stone On the hearts of believers


The Old Covenant and the New Covenant are two distinct covenants that God made with His people. The Old Covenant was based on the law and required obedience in order to be in right relationship with God. The New Covenant, on the other hand, is based on the promise of God's grace and forgiveness and offers salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Understanding the differences between these two covenants is crucial for grasping the significance of salvation and the nature of God's relationship with humanity.
