Old and new testament names

Here are some common names found in the Old and New Testaments:

Old Testament Names

  1. Adam
  2. Abraham
  3. Isaac
  4. Jacob
  5. Joseph
  6. Moses
  7. David
  8. Solomon
  9. Elijah
  10. Elisha
  11. Isaiah
  12. Jeremiah
  13. Ezekiel
  14. Daniel
  15. Ruth
  16. Esther
  17. Job
  18. Noah
  19. Shem
  20. Ham

New Testament Names

  1. Jesus
  2. Mary (mother of Jesus)
  3. Joseph (father of Jesus)
  4. Peter
  5. Paul (Apostle Paul)
  6. John (the Baptist)
  7. John (the Apostle)
  8. James
  9. Thomas
  10. Matthew
  11. Mark
  12. Luke
  13. Andrew
  14. Philip
  15. Bartholomew
  16. Simon
  17. Judas
  18. Mary Magdalene
  19. Martha
  20. Lazarus

Other notable Old Testament Names

  1. Cain
  2. Abel
  3. Seth
  4. Enosh
  5. Kenan
  6. Mahalaleel
  7. Jared
  8. Enoch
  9. Methuselah
  10. Noah's wife (name not specified in the Bible)
  11. Lot
  12. Lot's wife (name not specified in the Bible)
  13. Sodom
  14. Gomorrah
  15. Abraham's wife (Sarai)
  16. Isaac's wife (Rebekah)
  17. Jacob's wife (Rachel)
  18. Joseph's wife (Asenath)
  19. Moses' wife (Zipporah)
  20. David's wife (Michal)

Other notable New Testament Names

  1. Mary, the mother of John Mark
  2. Barnabas
  3. Silas
  4. Timothy
  5. Titus
  6. Phoebe
  7. Priscilla
  8. Aquila
  9. Apollos
  10. Stephen
  11. Philip's daughters (name not specified in the Bible)
  12. Lydia
  13. Dorcas
  14. Tabitha
  15. Cornelius
  16. Peter's mother-in-law (name not specified in the Bible)
  17. John's mother (name not specified in the Bible)
  18. Mary, the mother of James and John
  19. Salome
  20. Joanna

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and there are many other names mentioned in the Old and New Testaments.