Olamide new dance

You're referring to the latest dance craze from the king of indigenous rap, Olamide!

As of now, Olamide's latest dance is the "Choko" dance, which has been trending on social media and in clubs across Nigeria and beyond. The dance is characterized by a series of energetic and playful moves, including a signature "choko" step where Olamide swings his arms and bends his knees.

The "Choko" dance was popularized by Olamide's hit single "Choko" from his album "Carpe Diem", which was released in 2020. Since then, the dance has become a staple at parties and events, with fans and celebrities alike showing off their best "Choko" moves on social media.

If you're feeling adventurous, you can try learning the "Choko" dance yourself! Just remember to have fun and don't worry if you don't get it right away - practice makes perfect, after all!