Olamide latest new car

Olamide, the Nigerian rapper and songwriter, is known for his love of luxury cars. He often flaunts his rides on social media and has been spotted driving some of the most expensive and exotic cars in the world.

As of my knowledge cutoff in 2022, Olamide's latest new car is a customized Bentley Continental GT. He took to Instagram to show off his new ride, which features a sleek black exterior and a luxurious interior with premium leather seats.

Here are some details about Olamide's Bentley Continental GT:

Olamide has also been spotted driving other luxury cars, including a Mercedes-Benz G-Wagen, a Range Rover, and a Porsche Panamera. He is known for his love of high-end vehicles and often flaunts his rides on social media.

It's worth noting that Olamide's car collection is constantly evolving, and he may have acquired new cars since my knowledge cutoff in 2022. If you're interested in staying up-to-date on Olamide's latest car purchases, I recommend following him on social media or keeping an eye on celebrity car news websites.