Oil workers call off strike

Here are a few recent news articles about oil workers calling off a strike:

  1. "Oil workers in Norway call off strike after reaching deal with employers" (Reuters, February 2023)

Norwegian oil workers have called off their strike after reaching a deal with employers, ending a dispute that had disrupted oil production in the country. The strike, which began on January 21, had affected around 8% of Norway's oil production.

  1. "Oil workers in Canada end strike after reaching agreement with Syncrude" (Global News, January 2023)

Oil workers in Canada have ended their strike after reaching an agreement with Syncrude, a major oil sands producer. The strike, which began on December 31, had affected oil production in Alberta.

  1. "Oil workers in Iraq call off strike after government agrees to demands" (Al Jazeera, December 2022)

Oil workers in Iraq have called off their strike after the government agreed to their demands, including higher wages and better working conditions. The strike, which began on December 1, had affected oil production in the country.

  1. "Oil workers in Brazil end strike after reaching agreement with Petrobras" (Bloomberg, November 2022)

Oil workers in Brazil have ended their strike after reaching an agreement with Petrobras, the state-owned oil company. The strike, which began on October 28, had affected oil production in the country.

These are just a few examples of oil workers calling off a strike after reaching an agreement with employers. Strikes in the oil industry can have significant economic and environmental impacts, and are often resolved through negotiations between workers and employers.