Oil and gas news uk

Here are some recent oil and gas news stories from the UK:

1. North Sea Oil and Gas Production Declines

According to a report by the Oil and Gas Authority (OGA), oil and gas production in the North Sea has declined by 10% in the past year. The report highlights the need for investment in new fields and infrastructure to maintain production levels. (Source: BBC News)

2. Shell to Invest £10bn in UK Energy Sector

Royal Dutch Shell has announced plans to invest £10 billion in the UK energy sector over the next five years. The investment will focus on renewable energy, including wind and hydrogen power, as well as oil and gas production. (Source: The Telegraph)

3. UK Government Announces New Offshore Wind Targets

The UK government has set new targets for offshore wind power, aiming to generate 40 gigawatts of electricity from offshore wind farms by 2030. This is up from the current target of 30 gigawatts. (Source: The Guardian)

4. BP to Invest in UK Shale Gas

BP has announced plans to invest in UK shale gas, with the aim of extracting gas from the Bowland Shale formation in Lancashire. The company has applied for planning permission to drill two wells in the area. (Source: The Times)

5. Oil and Gas Industry Calls for Brexit Deal

The UK oil and gas industry has called for a Brexit deal that prioritizes energy security and trade. The industry has warned that a no-deal Brexit could lead to supply chain disruptions and increased costs. (Source: Energy Voice)

6. UK Oil and Gas Production Falls

According to data from the OGA, UK oil and gas production fell by 12% in the first quarter of 2020 compared to the same period last year. The decline is attributed to natural decline rates and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the industry. (Source: Energy Voice)

7. Shell to Sell UK North Sea Assets

Royal Dutch Shell has announced plans to sell its UK North Sea assets, including the Beryl and Everest fields, to Chrysaor for £3.8 billion. The deal is expected to complete in the second half of 2020. (Source: The Times)

8. UK Government Announces New Energy Strategy

The UK government has announced a new energy strategy, which aims to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2050. The strategy includes plans to increase the use of renewable energy, improve energy efficiency, and develop new technologies. (Source: The Guardian)

9. Oil and Gas Industry Warns of Skills Shortage

The UK oil and gas industry has warned of a shortage of skilled workers, with many companies struggling to find the talent they need to maintain production levels. The industry is calling for more investment in training and apprenticeships. (Source: Energy Voice)

10. UK Offshore Oil and Gas Production Falls

According to data from the OGA, UK offshore oil and gas production fell by 15% in the first quarter of 2020 compared to the same period last year. The decline is attributed to natural decline rates and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the industry. (Source: Energy Voice)