Ogun to treat wife beaters as criminals amosun #

It seems like you're sharing a news article or a statement made by Amosun, the former Governor of Ogun State, Nigeria. The quote suggests that Ogun State is considering treating wife beaters as criminals.

This is a commendable move, as domestic violence is a serious issue that affects many women and families worldwide. Treating wife beaters as criminals sends a strong message that such behavior will not be tolerated and that perpetrators will face consequences.

It's essential to recognize that domestic violence is a form of gender-based violence and that it's often perpetrated by men against women. By treating wife beaters as criminals, Ogun State is taking a crucial step towards creating a safer and more just society for all.

I hope this move will be followed by other states and countries, and that it will contribute to a global effort to eradicate domestic violence and promote gender equality.

Can you tell me more about the context of this statement or the specific laws or policies that Ogun State is considering to address domestic violence?