Ogun state govt orders registration poultry farmers

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According to reports, the Ogun State Government has ordered poultry farmers in the state to register with the state's Ministry of Agriculture to ensure proper monitoring and regulation of the industry.

The decision was made to improve the quality of poultry products in the state and to ensure that farmers comply with relevant regulations and standards. The registration process is expected to help the government to track the movement of poultry products, monitor disease outbreaks, and ensure that farmers adhere to best practices.

The Commissioner for Agriculture in Ogun State, Dr. Adeola Odedina, was quoted as saying that the registration exercise is aimed at promoting the growth and development of the poultry industry in the state. He emphasized that the government is committed to creating an enabling environment for farmers to thrive and to ensure that the industry contributes to the state's economic development.

The registration process is expected to involve the submission of various documents, including proof of ownership of the farm, business registration, and proof of payment of relevant taxes. Farmers who fail to register may face penalties or even have their farms shut down.

This move by the Ogun State Government is a positive step towards promoting the growth and development of the poultry industry in the state. It is expected to improve the quality of poultry products, increase farmers' productivity, and enhance the overall competitiveness of the industry.

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