Ogoni mosop news

You're looking for news related to the Ogoni people and their leader, Ken Saro-Wiwa, who was a prominent figure in the Ogoni struggle for environmental justice and human rights.

Here are some recent news articles and updates related to the Ogoni people and their struggles:

  1. Ogoni Clean-Up: In 2019, the Nigerian government launched a clean-up exercise in the Ogoni region, which was heavily polluted by oil spills and other environmental degradation. The clean-up effort is ongoing, but many Ogoni people remain skeptical about its effectiveness.
  2. Environmental Justice: The Ogoni people have been fighting for environmental justice and compensation for the damage caused by oil pollution. In 2020, the Nigerian government agreed to pay $1 billion in compensation to the Ogoni people, but the process has been slow and contentious.
  3. Ken Saro-Wiwa's Legacy: In 2020, the Nigerian government posthumously pardoned Ken Saro-Wiwa, who was executed in 1995 for his role in the Ogoni struggle. The pardon was seen as a step towards reconciliation and healing for the Ogoni people.
  4. Ogoni Youth Activism: Young Ogoni activists have been taking up the mantle of environmental activism, using social media and other platforms to raise awareness about the ongoing struggles of their community. They are also pushing for greater involvement in decision-making processes related to oil extraction and environmental management.
  5. International Support: The Ogoni struggle has received international support and recognition, with organizations like Amnesty International and the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights calling for justice and reparations for the Ogoni people.

Some recent news articles on these topics include:

I hope this information is helpful!