Ogboru latest news

Ogburu is a popular Nigerian politician and businessman, and as such, there may be various news articles and updates about him circulating online. Here are a few recent news articles and updates about Ogburu:

  1. Ogburu's Re-Election Bid: In 2022, Ogburu announced his intention to re-contest for the Delta State Governorship seat. He has been a vocal critic of the current administration and has promised to bring about positive change if elected.
  2. Economic Development: Ogburu has been advocating for economic development in Delta State, particularly in the areas of agriculture, infrastructure, and job creation. He has also been pushing for the establishment of a state-owned bank to promote local entrepreneurship.
  3. Security: Ogburu has been vocal about the need to improve security in Delta State, particularly in the areas of kidnapping, armed robbery, and cultism. He has promised to work with security agencies to ensure the safety of citizens.
  4. Healthcare: Ogburu has been advocating for improved healthcare services in Delta State, particularly in the areas of primary healthcare, hospital infrastructure, and medical personnel development.
  5. Education: Ogburu has been pushing for improved education in Delta State, particularly in the areas of infrastructure development, teacher training, and student welfare.

Some recent news articles about Ogburu include:

Please note that these articles may not be up-to-date, and it's always a good idea to verify information through reputable sources.