Ogbonnaya onu news

Ogbonnaya Onu is a Nigerian politician and the former Minister of Science and Technology in Nigeria. Here are some recent news updates about him:

  1. Appointment as Minister of Science and Technology: Onu was appointed as the Minister of Science and Technology by President Muhammadu Buhari in 2015. He served in this position until 2019.
  2. Nigeria's Science and Technology Development: During his tenure as Minister, Onu focused on promoting Nigeria's science and technology development, particularly in areas such as biotechnology, nanotechnology, and renewable energy.
  3. Establishment of Science and Technology Parks: Onu initiated the establishment of science and technology parks in various parts of the country to promote innovation and entrepreneurship.
  4. Nigeria's Participation in International Science and Technology Events: Onu led Nigeria's delegation to several international science and technology events, including the World Science Forum and the International Conference on Science and Technology.
  5. Awards and Recognition: Onu has received several awards and recognition for his contributions to science and technology development in Nigeria, including the National Productivity Order of Merit Award and the Nigerian National Order of Merit Award.
  6. Post-Ministerial Activities: After leaving office as Minister, Onu has continued to be involved in science and technology development in Nigeria, serving as the Chairman of the Nigerian Academy of Science and the President of the Nigerian Environmental Society.

Some recent news articles about Ogbonnaya Onu include:

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