Odumeje latest news

You're referring to the popular Nigerian pastor, Chukwuemeka Odumeje, also known as "The Indaboski Master"!

Here are some of the latest news and updates about Pastor Odumeje:

Recent Controversies:

  1. Court Case: Pastor Odumeje is currently facing a court case over allegations of assault and battery against a former member of his church, who claimed that the pastor and his followers physically attacked him.
  2. Criticism from Other Pastors: Some Nigerian pastors have criticized Pastor Odumeje for his unconventional methods and what they see as a lack of biblical foundation in his teachings.

Recent Events:

  1. Miracle Healing: Pastor Odumeje recently claimed to have healed a woman of a long-standing illness, which has sparked both praise and skepticism from his followers and critics alike.
  2. New Church Building: The pastor has announced plans to build a new church building in his hometown of Onitsha, Anambra State, which is expected to be completed soon.

Personal Life:

  1. Family: Pastor Odumeje is married with children and is known for his strong family values.
  2. Business Ventures: The pastor has invested in various business ventures, including real estate and hospitality, which have contributed to his growing wealth and influence.

Social Media:

  1. Instagram: Pastor Odumeje has a large following on Instagram, where he regularly shares updates about his ministry and personal life.
  2. YouTube: The pastor has a popular YouTube channel where he posts videos of his sermons, miracle healings, and other events.

Please note that the accuracy of these updates may vary, and it's always important to verify information through reputable sources.