Odia ofeimun ancient and modern warrior at 70

I think you meant "Odia Ofeimun, ancient and modern warrior at 70".

Odia Ofeimun is a Nigerian poet, playwright, and literary critic who was born on October 8, 1950. He is known for his powerful and thought-provoking poetry, which often explores themes of social justice, politics, and personal identity.

At 70, Ofeimun is indeed an ancient warrior, having spent decades using his words to fight for justice, equality, and human rights. His poetry is a testament to his unwavering commitment to these causes, and his ability to inspire and mobilize others to join him in the struggle.

As a modern warrior, Ofeimun continues to use his art to challenge the status quo and push for positive change. He is a vocal critic of social and political injustices, and his poetry often serves as a powerful tool for social commentary and critique.

Throughout his career, Ofeimun has received numerous awards and accolades for his work, including the Nigerian National Order of Merit Award, the Commonwealth Poetry Prize, and the ANA/NNN Prize for Prose. He has also been a fellow of the Rockefeller Foundation and the University of California, Berkeley.

Despite his many accomplishments, Ofeimun remains humble and dedicated to his craft. He continues to write and publish poetry, and is widely regarded as one of the most important and influential poets in Nigeria today.

In celebration of his 70th birthday, Ofeimun's poetry has been widely anthologized and celebrated, with many of his works being re-published and re-issued in new editions. His legacy as a warrior-poet continues to inspire and empower new generations of writers, artists, and activists, and his poetry remains a powerful testament to the enduring power of art to transform and uplift humanity.