Odd news toddler upstages romantic proposal with bathroom break

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Toddler Steals the Show with Unplanned Bathroom Break, Upstaging Romantic Proposal

In a shocking turn of events, a toddler's unexpected bathroom break has upstaged a romantic proposal at a popular restaurant in downtown Los Angeles.

According to eyewitnesses, 30-year-old John Smith had planned the perfect proposal for his girlfriend, Emily, at the upscale eatery. He had reserved a private table, ordered her favorite dessert, and even hired a musician to play her favorite love song.

Just as Smith was about to pop the question, his 2-year-old niece, Lily, who was sitting at the next table with her parents, suddenly let out a loud "I need to go pee!" and began to squirm out of her high chair.

Despite the commotion, Smith tried to power through and propose to Emily, but Lily's antics had already stolen the show. The musician, caught off guard, began playing a rendition of "The Wheels on the Bus" instead of the romantic ballad.

As Emily laughed and tried to comfort Lily, who was now crying and clinging to her mother's leg, Smith realized that the moment had been hijacked. He decided to postpone the proposal and instead helped his niece use the bathroom and calm down.

"I guess it wasn't meant to be," Smith said with a chuckle. "But hey, at least it was a memorable experience!"

Emily, who was initially disappointed, couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. "I guess it's not every day you get to be part of a toddler's bathroom break," she said.

The restaurant staff, who had been watching the scene unfold, were quick to offer a complimentary dessert and a special "Toddler's Special" discount to the couple.

As for Lily, she seemed to enjoy the attention and was overheard saying "I wanna go pee-pee again!" throughout the rest of the meal.

In the end, the couple decided to reschedule the proposal for another time, but not before taking a photo with Lily, who had become an honorary member of their special moment.