Odd news in nigeria today

Here are some odd news stories from Nigeria today:

  1. Man arrested for attempting to sell his wife's corpse: A 35-year-old man, identified as Sunday Okoro, was arrested by the police in Abia State for allegedly attempting to sell his wife's corpse to a herbalist. According to reports, Okoro's wife had died in a hospital, and he decided to sell her body to a herbalist who promised to pay him N500,000 (approximately $1,400 USD). (Source: Vanguard News)
  2. Woman gives birth to 12 babies in Abuja: A 35-year-old woman, identified as Mrs. Amara, gave birth to 12 babies in Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria. The babies, all boys, were born at a private hospital in the city. The hospital's management has confirmed the birth, saying that it was a rare case of superfetation, a condition where a woman becomes pregnant again while still pregnant. (Source: Daily Trust)
  3. Man arrested for stealing a goat's horn: A 25-year-old man, identified as Abiodun Adeyemi, was arrested by the police in Ogun State for allegedly stealing a goat's horn. According to reports, Adeyemi stole the horn from a farmer's farm, claiming that he needed it for a traditional medicine. (Source: Punch News)
  4. Woman arrested for attempting to sell her 2-year-old son: A 25-year-old woman, identified as Aisha Abubakar, was arrested by the police in Kano State for allegedly attempting to sell her 2-year-old son. According to reports, Abubakar was caught by the police while trying to sell her son to a buyer who had agreed to pay her N500,000 (approximately $1,400 USD). (Source: Daily Post)
  5. Man arrested for impersonating a police officer: A 30-year-old man, identified as Chukwuemeka Nwosu, was arrested by the police in Anambra State for allegedly impersonating a police officer. According to reports, Nwosu was caught by the police while trying to extort money from a motorist, claiming that he was a police officer. (Source: The Nation)

Please note that these stories are subject to verification and may not be entirely accurate.