Od new york slang

Ya heard?! Here's a rundown of some popular New York slang:

  1. Fuhgeddaboudit (Forget about it): an expression used to dismiss something or someone. Example: "I'm not going to that party, fuhgeddaboudit."
  2. Whaddaya mean? (What do you mean?): a question used to clarify or show confusion. Example: "You're not coming to the game? Whaddaya mean?"
  3. Yo (Hello/Hi): a casual greeting. Example: "Yo, how's it going?"
  4. Bodega (Convenience store): a small store that sells basic necessities like food, drinks, and lottery tickets. Example: "I'm gonna grab a slice from the bodega down the street."
  5. Schlep (To carry or drag): to carry something heavy or cumbersome. Example: "I had to schlep my luggage all the way to the subway."
  6. Jitney (Bus): a small bus that runs on a specific route. Example: "I took the jitney to get to the airport."
  7. Bust a move (To dance): to dance with enthusiasm and energy. Example: "I busted a move on the dance floor last night."
  8. Gimme a break (Give me a break): an expression used to ask for understanding or leniency. Example: "I'm running late, gimme a break, okay?"
  9. Knish (Pastry): a fried or baked pastry filled with potatoes, meat, or cheese. Example: "I'm craving a knish from the deli down the street."
  10. Yankee (Northerner): a term used to refer to someone from the Northeastern United States, particularly New York. Example: "I'm a Yankee, born and raised in the Bronx."
  11. Breadwinner (Main income earner): the person who earns the most money in a household. Example: "My husband is the breadwinner, I'm a stay-at-home mom."
  12. Shmooze (To chat or socialize): to engage in casual conversation or networking. Example: "I spent the whole evening shmoozing with my colleagues at the party."
  13. Fancy schmancy (Luxurious or high-end): used to describe something that is expensive or upscale. Example: "The new restaurant is fancy schmancy, but the food is overpriced."
  14. Moxie (Courage or determination): a quality that shows determination or bravery. Example: "She had the moxie to stand up to her boss and demand a raise."
  15. Wassup (What's up?): a casual greeting or inquiry about someone's well-being. Example: "Wassup, how's your day going?"

Now, go ahead and give it a try!