Obono obla news

It seems like you're looking for news related to Obono Obla, a Nigerian lawyer and human rights activist. Here are some recent updates:

Obono Obla's Controversial Comments: In a recent interview, Obono Obla sparked controversy by saying that the Nigerian government should consider the use of force to deal with bandits and kidnappers in the country. His comments were widely criticized by many Nigerians who felt that they were insensitive and could exacerbate the security challenges facing the country.

Obono Obla's Human Rights Work: Despite the controversy surrounding his comments, Obono Obla remains a respected figure in the human rights community in Nigeria. He has been involved in several high-profile cases, including the defense of journalists and activists who have been arrested and detained by the government.

Obono Obla's Criticism of the Nigerian Government: Obono Obla has been a vocal critic of the Nigerian government, particularly with regards to its handling of human rights issues. He has accused the government of violating the rights of citizens and has called for greater accountability and transparency.

Obono Obla's Personal Life: Obono Obla is a married man with children. He is known to be a devout Christian and has spoken publicly about the importance of his faith in his life.

I hope this information is helpful!