Obaze news

Obaze News!

Obaze is a Nigerian politician and former Secretary to the Government of Anambra State. He has been making headlines lately, and I'd be happy to provide you with some updates on his news.

Recent News:

  1. Obaze's Presidential Ambition: Obaze has been rumored to be planning to run for President in the 2023 Nigerian general elections. While he has not officially announced his candidacy, his supporters are already campaigning for him.
  2. Anambra State Politics: Obaze has been involved in Anambra State politics for many years, serving as Secretary to the Government and later as a presidential candidate. He has been a vocal critic of the current administration in the state and has called for reforms.
  3. Economic Development: Obaze has been advocating for economic development in Nigeria, particularly in the areas of infrastructure, education, and healthcare. He has also called for the diversification of the economy to reduce dependence on oil.
  4. Corruption: Obaze has been a vocal critic of corruption in Nigeria, calling for greater transparency and accountability in government. He has also advocated for the prosecution of corrupt officials.


Social Media:

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