Obasanjo yaradua jonathans reckless decisions responsible current economic recession apc replies pdp

A classic case of political blame-shifting!

The All Progressives Congress (APC) is accusing the People's Democratic Party (PDP) of being responsible for the current economic recession in Nigeria, citing the reckless decisions made by former Presidents Olusegun Obasanjo, Umaru Musa Yar'Adua, and Goodluck Jonathan.

Here's a breakdown of the APC's argument:

  1. Obasanjo's era (1999-2007): The APC claims that Obasanjo's administration was marked by reckless spending, corruption, and mismanagement of the economy, which led to a decline in Nigeria's foreign reserves and a rise in debt.
  2. Yar'Adua's era (2007-2010): The APC alleges that Yar'Adua's administration continued the trend of reckless spending and corruption, and failed to address the economic challenges inherited from Obasanjo's administration.
  3. Jonathan's era (2010-2015): The APC accuses Jonathan's administration of being even more reckless, citing the massive corruption and mismanagement of the economy, which led to a sharp decline in Nigeria's foreign reserves, a rise in debt, and a significant increase in inflation.

The APC is arguing that these reckless decisions by previous PDP administrations have led to the current economic recession in Nigeria, and that the PDP is responsible for the country's economic woes.

However, it's worth noting that the APC has also been accused of making reckless decisions during its own administration, particularly with regards to the economy. For example, the APC's decision to devalue the naira in 2015, which was seen as a drastic measure to address the country's economic challenges, has been criticized by many as a reckless move that has led to further economic instability.

Ultimately, the blame game between the APC and PDP is unlikely to resolve the current economic crisis in Nigeria. What is needed is a comprehensive and bipartisan approach to addressing the country's economic challenges, including measures to increase transparency and accountability in government, promote economic diversification, and address the root causes of corruption.