Obasanjo says biafra agitation now commercial venture

A very interesting and controversial topic!

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has indeed made some comments that have sparked a lot of debate and controversy. According to reports, Obasanjo recently stated that the Biafra agitation has become a commercial venture, with some individuals using it to make money.

In an interview with a Nigerian newspaper, Obasanjo was quoted as saying that the Biafra agitation has been hijacked by some individuals who are using it to enrich themselves. He claimed that the agitation has become a lucrative business, with some people making money from it through various means, including selling fake Biafran flags and other merchandise.

Obasanjo's comments have been met with a lot of criticism from some quarters, with many people accusing him of being insensitive and dismissive of the legitimate grievances of the Igbo people. Others have argued that the former president's comments are a reflection of his own biases and lack of understanding of the complexities of the Biafra issue.

It's worth noting that the Biafra agitation is a complex and sensitive issue that has been ongoing for many years. The agitation is rooted in the historical experiences of the Igbo people, who were subjected to marginalization and discrimination during the Nigerian civil war. Many Igbo people feel that they have been unfairly treated and marginalized in Nigerian society, and that their rights and interests are not being adequately represented.

While it's true that some individuals may be using the Biafra agitation for personal gain, it's also important to recognize that the agitation is a legitimate expression of the aspirations and grievances of the Igbo people. Rather than dismissing the agitation as a commercial venture, it's important to engage in constructive dialogue and address the underlying issues that are driving the agitation.

What are your thoughts on Obasanjo's comments? Do you think he has a point, or is he being unfair to the Igbo people?