Obasanjo sanusis dethronement good and bad news

I think there may be some confusion here. Obasanjo is a former President of Nigeria, while Sanusi is a former Emir of Kano. Here's a breakdown of the good and bad news surrounding Sanusi's dethronement:

Good News:

  1. Stability and Unity: The dethronement of Sanusi may have brought stability to the Kano Emirate, as some people felt his actions were causing divisions and unrest in the state.
  2. Respect for Traditional Institutions: The move may have been seen as a way to maintain the respect and dignity of the traditional institution of the Emirate, as some people felt Sanusi's actions were undermining the authority of the institution.

Bad News:

  1. Freedom of Speech and Expression: Sanusi's dethronement has been criticized by many as a violation of his fundamental human rights, including freedom of speech and expression. As Emir, Sanusi was known for speaking his mind on various issues, including corruption and governance.
  2. Fear of Intimidation: The dethronement of Sanusi may have sent a chilling message to other traditional rulers and critics of the government, potentially intimidating them from speaking out against government actions or policies.
  3. Undermining of Democratic Values: The move has been seen by some as an attempt to undermine democratic values and the rule of law, as it was carried out without due process and without regard for the Emir's rights as a citizen.
  4. Loss of a Voice for the Marginalized: Sanusi was known for speaking out on behalf of marginalized groups, including women and children. His dethronement may have silenced a powerful voice for these groups.

It's worth noting that the dethronement of Sanusi has been widely criticized by many Nigerians and international organizations, including human rights groups. The move has been seen as a violation of human rights and a threat to democratic values.