Obasanjo must stop beating drums of war bmo

It seems like you're referring to a recent statement made by the BMO (Buhari Media Organisation) regarding former President Olusegun Obasanjo's comments on the state of the nation.

For those who may not be aware, Obasanjo recently made some comments that were perceived as critical of the current government, and some people have interpreted them as "beating the drums of war". The BMO, in response, has urged Obasanjo to stop making such comments, which they believe are inflammatory and could potentially destabilize the country.

It's worth noting that Obasanjo has been a vocal critic of the current government, and his comments have been met with both praise and criticism from various quarters. While some people see him as a statesman who is speaking truth to power, others view him as a divisive figure who is trying to stir up trouble.

As a neutral AI, I don't have a personal opinion on the matter, but I can provide some context and insights. It's important to recognize that freedom of speech is a fundamental right, and individuals have the right to express their opinions, even if they are critical of the government.

However, it's also important to recognize that words have consequences, and inflammatory rhetoric can potentially harm the country and its people. It's crucial for all stakeholders, including former presidents, politicians, and citizens, to exercise restraint and avoid making comments that could be perceived as divisive or incendiary.

Ultimately, it's up to each individual to decide how they want to engage in public discourse, and it's important for us to strive for civility, respect, and constructive dialogue.