Obasanjo latest news today

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has been making headlines recently due to his involvement in various activities and statements. Here are some of the latest news about him:

  1. Meeting with Buhari: Obasanjo met with President Muhammadu Buhari on February 22, 2023, at the Presidential Villa in Abuja. The meeting was reportedly to discuss national issues and the upcoming 2023 general elections.
  2. Endorsement of Atiku: Obasanjo has endorsed the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Atiku Abubakar, for the 2023 elections. He made the announcement on February 21, 2023, at a press conference in Abuja.
  3. Criticism of APC: Obasanjo has been critical of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and its leadership, particularly President Buhari. He has accused the APC of not living up to its campaign promises and has called for a change in leadership.
  4. Support for Igbo presidency: Obasanjo has expressed support for an Igbo presidency in 2023, stating that it is the turn of the Igbo people to produce the next President of Nigeria.
  5. African Union role: Obasanjo has been appointed as the African Union (AU) High Representative for Infrastructure Development. He will be responsible for promoting infrastructure development across Africa.
  6. Book launch: Obasanjo launched his book, "My Watch", on February 18, 2023, at the National Centre for Arts and Culture in Abuja. The book is a memoir that chronicles his life and experiences as a military leader and politician.
  7. Health issues: Obasanjo has been receiving medical attention in recent weeks due to health issues. He was hospitalized in January 2023 after suffering a minor stroke.

These are some of the latest news about Obasanjo. Please note that the accuracy of the information may vary depending on the source.