Obasanjo and buhari latest news

Here are some of the latest news and updates on Obasanjo and Buhari:


  1. Obasanjo's letter to Buhari: In a recent letter, Obasanjo accused Buhari of not being committed to the unity and progress of Nigeria. He also criticized the President's handling of the country's economy and security challenges.
  2. Obasanjo's criticism of Buhari's government: Obasanjo has been vocal in his criticism of Buhari's government, saying that it has failed to deliver on its promises and has instead created more problems for the country.
  3. Obasanjo's support for Atiku: Obasanjo has endorsed Atiku Abubakar, the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), in the 2023 elections. He has also called on Nigerians to vote for Atiku, saying that he is the best candidate to lead the country.


  1. Buhari's response to Obasanjo's letter: Buhari has responded to Obasanjo's letter, saying that he is not bothered by the former President's criticism. He also accused Obasanjo of being bitter and seeking revenge for his defeat in the 2015 elections.
  2. Buhari's economic policies: Buhari has been criticized for his economic policies, which have been accused of causing economic hardship for many Nigerians. Obasanjo has also criticized the President's handling of the economy, saying that it has led to a decline in the country's economic fortunes.
  3. Buhari's security challenges: Buhari has been criticized for his handling of security challenges in the country, including the insurgency in the North East and the kidnapping of schoolgirls in Chibok. Obasanjo has also accused the President of not doing enough to address these challenges.

Other news

  1. Obasanjo's health: Obasanjo has been hospitalized several times in recent months, sparking concerns about his health. However, his aides have said that he is recovering well and is expected to return to his normal activities soon.
  2. Buhari's health: Buhari has also been hospitalized several times, including for a prolonged period in 2017. However, his aides have said that he is in good health and is expected to continue to serve as President until the end of his term in 2023.
  3. Nigeria's economy: Nigeria's economy has been facing challenges in recent years, including a decline in oil prices and a rise in inflation. The country is also struggling to recover from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.