Obamas daughter follows footstep #

You're referring to Malia Obama, the elder daughter of former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama. Malia has indeed followed in her father's footsteps in various ways. Here are a few examples:

  1. College education: Malia attended Harvard University, just like her father did. She graduated in 2021 with a degree in psychology.
  2. Public service: Malia has been involved in various public service initiatives, including working with the Obama Foundation, which was established by her father to promote civic engagement and community development.
  3. Advocacy: Malia has used her platform to advocate for issues she cares about, such as mental health awareness, women's empowerment, and social justice.
  4. Media and entertainment: Malia has also explored her creative side, working as a production assistant on the TV show "Wasted! The Story of Food Waste" and attending the Sundance Film Festival as a guest.
  5. Personal style: Malia has been known for her fashion sense, often wearing stylish outfits and accessories that reflect her individuality and confidence.

While Malia has certainly followed in her father's footsteps in many ways, she has also carved out her own path and pursued her own interests and passions.