Obama trump to set differences aside for awkward white house meeting

I think you may be joking, but just in case, I'll play along!

In a shocking turn of events, former President Barack Obama and former President Donald Trump have reportedly set aside their differences to attend an awkward White House meeting.

According to sources, the two former leaders were invited to the meeting by current President Joe Biden, who is seeking to bring together the country's past, present, and future leaders to discuss the state of the nation.

The meeting, which is expected to be a tense and awkward affair, is said to be focused on finding common ground and discussing ways to move the country forward.

Trump, who has been known for his divisive rhetoric and policies, is expected to bring his signature bravado and bombast to the meeting. Obama, on the other hand, is expected to bring his calm and collected demeanor.

Despite their differences, both leaders are said to be committed to putting aside their past disagreements and working together for the good of the country.

The meeting is expected to be a historic moment in American politics, and many are eagerly awaiting the outcome.

In related news, the White House has announced that it will be providing a special "awkwardness counselor" to help facilitate the meeting and ensure that things don't get too out of hand.

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story!