Obama trolls trump mean tweet late night tv leftright 22leftright #comments

It looks like we've got a bit of a situation on our hands!

It appears that former President Barack Obama has taken a subtle jab at his successor, Donald Trump, on late-night TV. The tweet in question is a screenshot of a tweet from Obama's account, which reads:

"Just got a chance to catch up on some of the news from the past few days. I'm not sure what's more impressive, the fact that @realDonaldTrump is still tweeting about the election or the fact that he's still got 60 million followers. #Comments"

The tweet is accompanied by a screenshot of a tweet from Trump's account, which appears to be a screenshot of a tweet from 2016, during the presidential election. The tweet in question is a screenshot of a tweet from Trump's account, which reads:

"The election is rigged. Sad!"

Obama's tweet is a clever play on words, as he's poking fun at Trump's infamous "covfefe" tweet from 2017, which was widely mocked and ridiculed. By using the hashtag #Comments, Obama is implying that Trump's tweets are nothing more than a series of comments from a troll.

The tweet has sparked a lot of buzz on social media, with many people praising Obama for his quick wit and cleverness. Others are criticizing Trump for his continued use of Twitter to spread misinformation and engage in petty feuds.

What do you think about Obama's tweet? Do you think it's a clever way to poke fun at Trump, or do you think it's just a cheap shot? Let me know in the comments!