Oba of benin latest news

The Oba of Benin is the traditional ruler of the Benin Kingdom, a historical and cultural entity in southern Nigeria. Here are some of the latest news and updates about the Oba of Benin:

Recent News:

  1. Oba of Benin's 40th Coronation Anniversary: In 2020, the Oba of Benin, Omo N'Oba N'Edo Uku Akpolokpolo, Ewuare II, celebrated his 40th coronation anniversary. The occasion was marked with a grand ceremony and festivities.
  2. Benin Kingdom's 500th Anniversary: In 2021, the Benin Kingdom celebrated its 500th anniversary of the coronation of the first Oba of Benin, Ewuare the Great. The anniversary was marked with cultural events, exhibitions, and ceremonies.
  3. Oba of Benin's Health: In 2022, there were reports of the Oba of Benin's health issues, including a reported stroke. However, the palace later denied the reports, stating that the Oba was in good health.
  4. Benin Kingdom's Cultural Heritage: The Oba of Benin has been a strong advocate for the preservation and promotion of Benin's cultural heritage. In 2022, he launched a cultural festival to promote Benin's traditional arts and crafts.
  5. Oba of Benin's International Relations: The Oba of Benin has maintained good relations with international leaders and organizations. In 2022, he received a delegation from the African Union Commission, led by the AU Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security.

Recent Quotes:

  1. "The Benin Kingdom is a symbol of African culture and heritage, and we must work together to preserve and promote it." - Oba of Benin, Ewuare II
  2. "We must not forget our history and cultural heritage, but also look towards the future and work towards the development of our kingdom." - Oba of Benin, Ewuare II

Recent Photos:

  1. Oba of Benin's 40th Coronation Anniversary Celebration
  2. Benin Kingdom's 500th Anniversary Celebration
  3. Oba of Benin's Cultural Festival

Please note that the news and updates provided are based on publicly available information and may not be exhaustive or up-to-date.