Oau senate backs management orders students to evacuate hostels #comments

It seems like there's a developing story about the OAU Senate backing management orders for students to evacuate hostels. Here are some possible comments:

Comment 1 "This is a disaster! How are students supposed to survive without a place to stay? The university should provide alternative accommodation for those who can't afford to find their own." - @OAUStudent

Comment 2 "I'm not surprised. The hostels have been in a deplorable state for years. It's about time the university took action to address the issue. Maybe this will force them to invest in better facilities." - @ConcernedAlum

Comment 3 "This is a huge inconvenience for me. I was supposed to graduate next semester and now I'm not sure where I'll stay. Can't the university provide some sort of temporary accommodation for us?" - @OAUStudent2023

Comment 4 "I think this is a good decision. The hostels have been a breeding ground for all sorts of problems. It's time for students to take responsibility for their own living arrangements." - @OAUParent

Comment 5 "This is a classic case of the university not caring about the welfare of its students. What's the plan for students who can't afford to find their own accommodation? Are they just supposed to sleep on the streets?" - @OAUActivist

These are just some possible comments, but I'm sure there are many more opinions and reactions to this development.