Oau latest news on admission

Here are the latest news and updates on admission:

Admission News

  1. JAMB Releases 2023 UTME Results: The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has released the results of the 2023 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME). Candidates can check their results on the JAMB website.
  2. UNILAG Announces Admission Cut-Off Marks: The University of Lagos (UNILAG) has announced its admission cut-off marks for the 2023/2024 academic session. The cut-off marks range from 200 to 250 for various courses.
  3. ASUU Strike: Impact on Admission Process: The ongoing strike by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has affected the admission process in many Nigerian universities. Some universities have announced that they will not admit students for the 2023/2024 academic session.
  4. Admission into Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) 2023: The Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) has announced the admission requirements and procedures for the 2023/2024 academic session.
  5. Federal Polytechnic, Oko (FPO) Admission List 2023: The Federal Polytechnic, Oko (FPO) has released its admission list for the 2023/2024 academic session. Candidates can check their admission status on the polytechnic's website.

Admission Tips

  1. Check Your JAMB Profile Regularly: Candidates are advised to regularly check their JAMB profile for updates on their admission status.
  2. Meet the Admission Requirements: Candidates should ensure they meet the admission requirements for their chosen course and institution.
  3. Apply for Admission Early: Candidates are advised to apply for admission early to increase their chances of being admitted.
  4. Check the Admission Cut-Off Marks: Candidates should check the admission cut-off marks for their chosen institution and course to know their chances of being admitted.
  5. Seek Guidance from Guidance Counsellors: Guidance counsellors can provide valuable guidance and advice to candidates on the admission process.

Admission FAQs

  1. What is the deadline for JAMB registration?: The deadline for JAMB registration is usually in May of each year.
  2. How do I check my JAMB result?: Candidates can check their JAMB result on the JAMB website using their registration number and password.
  3. What is the admission process for Nigerian universities?: The admission process for Nigerian universities typically involves JAMB registration, UTME, post-UTME, and admission screening.
  4. How do I know if I have been admitted?: Candidates can check their admission status on the JAMB website or on the website of their chosen institution.
  5. What are the requirements for admission into Nigerian universities?: The requirements for admission into Nigerian universities typically include JAMB registration, UTME, post-UTME, and admission screening, as well as meeting the admission cut-off marks for the chosen course and institution.

I hope this information is helpful. Let me know if you have any further questions!