Oan news

You're looking for the latest news from One America News (OAN)!

One America News is a 24-hour cable news channel that provides conservative-leaning news coverage. Here are some of the latest headlines and stories from OAN:

Top Stories

  1. Biden's Border Crisis: OAN is reporting on the ongoing crisis at the US-Mexico border, where thousands of migrants are attempting to cross into the United States.
  2. Election Integrity: OAN is investigating claims of voter fraud and election irregularities in the 2020 presidential election.
  3. COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates: The network is covering the controversy surrounding COVID-19 vaccine mandates, including lawsuits and protests against government-imposed vaccination requirements.
  4. China's Growing Influence: OAN is reporting on China's increasing influence in the United States, including its investments in US infrastructure and its efforts to shape global policy.
  5. Iran Nuclear Deal: The network is following the latest developments on the Iran nuclear deal, including the US withdrawal from the agreement and the subsequent tensions between the US and Iran.

Breaking News

  1. Breaking: Supreme Court Rules on Abortion Case: The Supreme Court has issued a ruling on a major abortion case, with implications for reproductive rights across the United States.
  2. Breaking: Biden Administration Announces New Immigration Policy: The Biden administration has announced a new immigration policy, which could have significant implications for the US-Mexico border and immigration reform.
  3. Breaking: Stock Market Plunges Amid Economic Concerns: The stock market has experienced a significant decline amid concerns about the global economy and the impact of COVID-19 on businesses.

Opinion and Analysis

  1. Tucker Carlson: The Border Crisis is a 'National Emergency': Fox News host Tucker Carlson has weighed in on the border crisis, calling it a "national emergency" that requires immediate attention.
  2. Mark Levin: The Biden Administration is 'Out of Control': Conservative commentator Mark Levin has criticized the Biden administration, saying it is "out of control" and needs to be held accountable.
  3. Dana Loesch: The Media is 'Complicit' in the Border Crisis: Conservative commentator Dana Loesch has accused the mainstream media of being "complicit" in the border crisis, saying they are not reporting on the issue accurately.

These are just a few of the latest headlines and stories from One America News. I hope this helps you stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments!