Nzdjpy news

Here are some recent news articles and updates related to the New Zealand Dollar (NZD) and the Japanese Yen (JPY):

NZD News

  1. Reserve Bank of New Zealand keeps interest rates unchanged: The RBNZ kept its official cash rate at 0.25% on August 19, citing the need to support the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Source: Reuters)
  2. New Zealand economy grows 2.2% in Q2: The country's GDP grew 2.2% in the second quarter, driven by a rebound in consumer spending and a recovery in the services sector. (Source:
  3. Fonterra's milk price forecast revised down: The dairy cooperative Fonterra has revised down its milk price forecast for the 2020/21 season, citing lower global demand and prices. (Source: NZ Herald)

JPY News

  1. Bank of Japan keeps monetary policy unchanged: The BoJ kept its short-term interest rate at -0.1% and its 10-year government bond yield target at around 0% on August 20, maintaining its accommodative stance. (Source: Bloomberg)
  2. Japan's economy contracts 7.1% in Q2: The country's GDP contracted 7.1% in the second quarter, the largest decline on record, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Source: Nikkei Asian Review)
  3. Japan's trade deficit widens in July: The country's trade deficit widened to ¥1.34 trillion ($12.3 billion) in July, as exports fell 14.6% and imports rose 1.4%. (Source: Japan Times)

NZD/JPY Currency News

  1. NZD/JPY falls to 2-week low: The NZD/JPY currency pair fell to a 2-week low of 64.45 on August 20, as the NZD weakened against the USD and the JPY strengthened. (Source: FXStreet)
  2. Analysts predict NZD/JPY to rise: Despite the recent decline, some analysts are predicting that the NZD/JPY will rise in the coming months, driven by a rebound in the NZD and a weakening JPY. (Source: The Market Herald)

Please note that these news articles are subject to change and may not reflect the current market situation. It's always a good idea to check with a reliable news source or a financial institution for the latest information.